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PEC interactive is now Advice Media! All digital products including the collection of website development, video education, and marketing services for the ophthalmic industry, are now provided by Advice Media. If your practice is looking to build, enhance or reinvent your online marketing presence, you’ve come to the right place. Advice Media showcases web development options, online marketing, interactive web tools, patient education software, social media management services and online informed consent solutions.

Advice Media isn’t just a website. We are a team of experienced, customer service-focused professionals who thrive on helping our clients reach their online marketing, patient education and risk management goals. No project is too big or small, no question is silly and no, we don’t care if you’re “tech-savvy” or not. We are here to help. Contact us today!

Do any of these people sound like you?


Practice administrator looking for fresh marketing ideas to elevate the practice brand


Ophthalmologist opening up a new practice needing guidance on where and how to begin marketing the practice


Surgical consultant looking for tools to help better educate patients about their treatment options


Practice manager needing risk management options that can save chair time and provide EMR-friendly documentation

If any of these people sound like you, give us a call. If these don’t sound like you, give us a call anyway.

Ready to Get Started?

Products Now Provided by Advice Media:

Advanced Websites

Built From the Ground Up

Basic+ Websites

Easy, Fast, Lots of Choices

Online Video

Sight Selector Online

Videos for Your Website

Video Vignettes

Video Marketing Ads


Website Content

Content Writing

130 Topics Available

Search Engine Optimization

The Keys to Website Ranking


Informed Consent

Informed Consent Videos

DVD or MP4 Format

Counseling Tools

MyCataract Counselor

Online Lead Conversion Tool

IOL Counselor

Simulates All Approved IOLs

LVC Counselor

Simulates PRK, LASIK – Day & Night

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Custom Website Development

Go Viral Campaigns

Custom Website Development

What's the Deal with the Fish?