Video Vignettes
Use our Video Vignettes to enhance your website or office with a little pizzazz. Each vignette is delivered in 15-second, 30-second, and 60-second lengths, allowing you to choose the right fit for your website or waiting room. All PEC’s vignettes are compatible with our Sight Selector products.
Use on your website for visual interest or informational purposes:
Vignettes are available in a format that allow them to be easily incorporated into your website to add additional visual interest, or to deliver information in an easy-to-understand way. Change out your monthly message with the full set of AAO Months of Eye Health Observances, or incorporate some of our procedure-specific clips into the appropriate areas of your website. The possibilities are endless!
Also Available for use with Sight Selector Products & Reception Room Program DVDs:
Vignettes are available in a format that allow them to be incorporated into playlists created using our Sight Selector Practice Edition (for your computers) or our Sight Selector iPad Edition.
Interspersing these vignettes between your Sight Selector and other educational videos will: draw attention to your premium services; thank patients for choosing your practice; encourage them to refer their friends and family; ask for their patience when you are running behind; remind them that you offer financing plans… and much more.
Video Vignettes Series 1 also includes the 12 AAO Months of Eye Health Observances messages so you can update your playlists every month to keep them fresh and current along with 34 other specially designed reception room vignettes.
PEC can also produce custom video vignettes to add to reception room programs created for DVD playback. Click to learn more about our DVD reception room programs.
Be sure to read our Blog Article: Why & How showing videos in the reception room will increase your bottom line.
Preview Video Vignettes Series 1:
AAO Eye Health Observances
Laser Cataract Sx
Laser Vision Correction
Notices While Waiting
Social Media
Delivery Options
Digital Download
Video Vignettes Series 1 is available for download as MPG-4 files suitable for direct upload and streaming from your website.
If you are a Sight Selector Practice Edition and Sight Selector Eye iPad Edition user, the MPG-4 files can be uploaded and added to playlists. Click here to learn more about how to add Video Vignettes to Sight Selector Practice Edition or Sight Selector for iPad.
PEC can also produce custom video vignettes to add to reception room programs created for DVD playback. Click to learn more about our DVD reception room programs.
Pricing Options
For More Information
To learn more about how our Video Vignettes work with our Sight Selector Practice and Sight Selector iPad Edition, fill out this form and one of our sales consultants will contact you.